Τhe priests of the Old Church.

"...remember me Lord when you come as king."

Luke 23:42

The national martyr

Chrisostom of Smyrna.

 It is well-worth looking back in history to the Priests who have served the Church of the Annunciation.

Before that, we feel it is our holy duty to make a short mention of the martyr of the Asia Minor Catastrophe.

The national martyr Chrisostom of Smyrna:

He accepted the greatest martyrdom from his torturers of another faith without abandoning his flock, saying:

"as long as there are Christians here,  I will not leave Smyrna"...

His slow and cruel death is witness of an immensely great faith, great endurance, biblical patience and love in accordance with the Fathers.

He is one of the martyrs of our faith and is a model for the spiritual journey of Orthodox Christians through carrying the cross and the hope of resurrection.

The Saint who protects refugees everywhere.

The first priest

of the old church, in fact a refugee from the 'Engelonisia' himself, was father

Nikolaos Mastrogiannis.

This priest served the Church for two years from 1926 tο 1928.

But Our Most Host Lady called him very early into her embrace.

So for the next 28 years (1928- 1956), his position of serving the Most-Holy Theotokos was taken over by

Nikolaos Karapapadakis.

He was a faithful servant, someone who had suffered hardship being persecuted by "Tsensairo" Nikomideias, and who was finally led into eternity, having completed a great endeavour:

The construction of the New Church.


From 1932 tο 1964, he worked with and celebrated the liturgy together with Father

Dimitrios Dimitriadis.

For 32 years, he worked tirelessly not only for the Old Holy Church, but also for a few years for the then completed New Church.

Father Sotiris Sidiropoulos

 was from Platana of Trapezounta.

Who would not remember those all-night vigils of Holy Week and who hasn't been moved to tears together with him on Holy Thursday.

In the photograph from the mystery of matrimony that took place in the old Church, we can recognise the Church's priest, father Nikolaos Karapapadakis.

From the more recent priests we need to mention  

father Konstantinos Gerabinis.

He was the priest that has been the connecting link of the old with the new Priests of our Church.

As parish priest he was active for 61 years serving the Church and setting an example as priest.

In 1945 he started service in the old Church and thereafter continued also in the new Holy Church of the Annunciation and served for 41 years.

Our Most-Holy Lady took him into her embrace on 13 December 2000.

It is our prayer that God may grant them rest and that they pray for us in heaven.